Conference “Transdisciplinary Dialogue and the Jurist’s Identity”

20 September 2022, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will take part in the Conference “Transdisciplinary Dialogue and the Jurist’s Identity” organised by the University of Milan. The conference aims to investigate the concept of “permeability” between the legal system and different scientific areas. The Professor will join the first session of the day’s programme and together with Prof. Francesco Delfini, Professor of Private Law at the University of Milan, will discuss the topic of “Contract Law, Information Technology and Financial Market Economics: the necessary osmosis”.

ICON-S Italy Conference, ‘The Future of the State’

16-17 September 2022

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will speak at the Annual Conference of ICON-S Italia, the Italian section of the International Society of Public Law, which this year is being organised at the Alma Mater, University of Bologna. The title of the Conference is “The Future of the State” and the Professor will give a speech on the topic of “Digital Sovereignty” during the 1st Plenary Session of the event, which will be chaired by Prof. Avv. Paola Severino, LUISS University. Prof. Finocchiaro will be joined by the jurist and academic Prof. Sabino Cassese, Pres. Gian Carlo Blangiardo, ISTAT, and Prof. Andrea Morrone, Alma Mater, who will give the concluding plenary greetings.

IACL’s Junior Scholars Forum

12 September 2022, 4:00 – 6:00 PM

Prof. Avv. Oreste Pollicino will take part in the Junior Scholars Forum organised by IACL, The International Association of Constitutional Law, an event whose purpose is to allow young researchers from various parts of the world to present their research.
The Professor will join the panel “Expanding the Boundaries of Rights” and participate in the discussion, moderated by Prof. Pablo Riberi, University of Cordoba, as a commentator together with Prof. Mariana Mota Prado, University of Toronto.

ELI Annual Conference and Meetings

5-8 September 2022

Prof. Giusella Finocchiaro will participate in the Annual Conference organized by the European Law Institute (ELI) to be hosted by the Charles III University in Madrid from 5 to 8 September 2022. Prof. Finocchiaro will join the panel of the fourth day themed “Guiding Principles and Model Rules on Algorithmic Contracts”, coordinated by Prof. Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras Ballell, Charles III University of Madrid, and in which Prof. Christoph Busch, University of Osnabrück and Yale University, Maria Peltoniemi LL.M., Policy Officer of the European Commission, and Prof. Christian Twigg-Flesner, University of Warwick, will also give speeches.

Webinar “L’evoluzione normativa in materia di identificazione elettronica: la revisione di e-IDAS e il sistema di gestione deleghe”

27 July 2022, 12:00 AM-13:00 PM

Avv. Laura Greco will be the speaker of the webinar “L’evoluzione normativa in materia di identificazione elettronica: la revisione di e-idas e il sistema di gestione deleghe”, organized by the Observatory Digital Identity, one of the Observatories on Digital Innovation of the Politecnico di Milano’s School of Management.
During the webinar, Avv. Greco will illustrate the evolution of the legal  framework on electronic identification, delving into the model law developed by the UNCITRAL Working Group on Electronic Commerce, the proposal for a Regulation amending Reg. e-IDAS and the Italian “sistema di gestione deleghe”. 

The Strengthened Code of Practice on Disinformation: a new “source of law”?

22 July 2022, 11:00 AM – 13:00 PM

Prof. Avv. Oreste Pollicino will speak at the seminar on the Code of Conduct against disinformation, organized by the Center for Media, Pluralism, and Freedom at the European University Institute.
The seminar aims to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of self-regulatory and co-regulatory mechanisms to deal with online disinformation, the nature of the Code of Conduct as a source of law, the Code's connections with the DSA, the governance options proposed by the European strategy to deal with disinformation, also taking into account the possible consequences on citizens' fundamental rights.
The Professor will give a keynote speech together with Dr. Giovanni De Gregorio, University of Oxford; the debate will be introduced by Prof. Elda Brogi, EUI, and Member of the Executive Board of EDMO, European Digital Media Observatory, and by Prof. Andrea Simoncini, University of Florence.