German-Italian Dialogue on Smart Algorithms, Trust and (the Diffusion of) Power

2nd December, 9:30 AM – 6:30 PM

Professor Giusella Finocchiaro and Professor Oreste Pollicino will join the conference “German-Italian Dialogue on Smart Algorithms, Trust and (the Diffusion of) Power”, held by Università di Bologna, the Research Centre “Normative Orders”, the Goethe University and the Research Initiative “ConTrust: Trust in Conflict”. Professor Oreste Pollicino will take part in the first part of the event, chaired by Professor Vittorio Manes and entitled ““Reflections on the Foundation of Smart Algorithms, Trust and (the Diffusion of) Power in the (Post?-)Digital Age”, while Professor Giusella Finocchiaro will join the second part of the conference, chaired by Professor Christoph Burchard and focused on “Reflections on Key Practical Implications of Smart Algorithms on Legal Orders”.